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Be our member today

BYSD provides a platform for all people with disabilities to connect with each other through recreational activities, educational programmes, peer-to-peer engagements, socio-emotional and skills-upgrading workshops and sports.


BYSD provides a safe space for members to socialise and bond with like-minded individuals, and we welcome all persons with all types of disabilities to join us.

Ordinary membership is free and is open to all persons with disabilities residing in Singapore who are 18 years of age and above.

Ordinary Membership Benefits:

  1. Free BYSD Member pass

  2. Exclusive members events and outings

  3. Complimentary BYSD programmes: These-Abled bowlers (TAB) bowling sessions, Quran Braille (QB) and Madrasah untuk Insan Kurang Upaya (MIKU)

  4. Wheel-chair friendly transport provided (where applicable) for participation in BYSD programmes

  5. Financial support for members via BYSD’s Project CARE Programme (i.e. purchase of mobility aids, assistive devices) (where applicable)

  6. Festive Assistance (i.e. meal distribution, grocery hamper during festive period)

  7. Networking opportunities with other disability agencies

  8. Volunteering Opportunities to be Inclusivity Ambassadors

  9. Be part of and vote at the Annual General Meeting elections

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